Simulation Details
SimC Enhancement Shaman Results • WoW Dragonflight • • Patch 10.0.2
Below ranks the abilities and buffs that were used in the simulation. This can be helpful to see which abilities make up the bulk of the total damage done, giving insight into what should be prioritized in your DPS rotation. The Time Spent tab, combined with "Max" mode, gives great insight into where your time should be optimally spent in a rotation.
Some common abilities might be missing, SimC does not always properly log the abilities used in the simulation.
Damage Done
The total damage each ability averaged during sims.
- Lava Lash23.23%
- Elemental Blast20.97%
- Frost Shock13.62%
- Flame Shock11.44%
- Lightning Bolt9.8%
- Main Hand5.63%
- Ice Strike4.71%
- Manic Grieftorch4.1%
- Offhand2.8%
- Sundering1.68%
- Broodkeepers Blaze1.67%
- Primordial Wave0.34%
Time Spent
The average number of times each ability was cast during sims.
- Main Hand34.99%
- Offhand34.85%
- Lava Lash7.98%
- Stormstrike6%
- Frost Shock4.47%
- Ice Strike2.92%
- Elemental Blast2.61%
- Lightning Bolt2.41%
- Feral Spirit1.44%
- Primordial Wave0.83%
- Flame Shock0.8%
- Sundering0.58%
- Earth Elemental0.12%
The average time buffs were active during the duration of the sims.
- Windfury Totem100%
- Draconic Augmentation100%
- Zone of Focus100%
- Witch Doctors Wolf Bones100%
- Phial of Elemental Chaos100%
- Witch Doctors Ancestry100%
- Fated Fortune Cookie100%
- Maelstrom Weapon84%
- Ashen Catalyst81.23%
- Flurry74.96%
- Feral Spirit60.23%
- Fury of the Storm55.78%
- Hailstorm53.67%
- Hot Hand36.41%
- Elemental Lariat Empowered Air36.14%
- Inspired By Fire and Earth35.93%
- Ice Strike34.31%
- Crackling Surge33.54%
- Molten Weapon33.43%
- Icy Edge33.4%
- Stormbringer31.49%
- Splintered Elements27.69%
- Elemental Chaos Fire25.11%
- Elemental Chaos Frost25.1%
- Elemental Chaos Air24.95%
- Elemental Chaos Earth24.85%
- Sophic Devotion23.33%
- Elemental Blast Haste23.33%
- Elemental Blast Critical Strike23.19%
- Elemental Blast Mastery23.17%
- Maelstrom of Elements21.38%
- Bloodlust16.89%
- Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power12.67%
- Berserking10.12%
- Primordial Wave4.3%
This is the gear profile used in this simulation. Item enhancements are all maxed out for the simulation, however some may not be displayed properly below.
- Head Faceguard of Infused Earth
- Neck Elemental Lariat
- Shoulders Calderas of Infused Earth
- Back Vibrant Wildercloth Shawl
- Chest Robe of Infused Earth
- Wrists Shikaar Ranger Bracers
- Hands Gauntlets of Infused Earth
- Waist Morningscale Waistguard
- Legs Tassets of the Tarasek Legion
- Feet Lightningcharged Striders
- Finger 1 Seal of Filial Duty
- Finger 2 Seal of Diurnas Chosen
- Trinket 1 Manic Grieftorch
- Trinket 2 Whispering Incarnate Icon
- Main Hand Fist of the Grand Summoner
- Off Hand Fist of the Grand Summoner
- DPS56,634.42 DPS
- Sim Build47067
DPS Timeline
Scale factors were ran in this simulation, below is the resulting stat priority and stat weights.
Scale factors were not calculated in this sim.