Simulation Details
SimC Shadow Priest Results • WoW Dragonflight • • Patch 10.0.2
Below ranks the abilities and buffs that were used in the simulation. This can be helpful to see which abilities make up the bulk of the total damage done, giving insight into what should be prioritized in your DPS rotation. The Time Spent tab, combined with "Max" mode, gives great insight into where your time should be optimally spent in a rotation.
Some common abilities might be missing, SimC does not always properly log the abilities used in the simulation.
Damage Done
The total damage each ability averaged during sims.
- Mental Fortitude39.03%
- Devouring Plague19.65%
- Mind Flay Insanity10.06%
- Mind Blast7.39%
- Vampiric Touch6.08%
- Shadow Word Pain5.05%
- Mindgames2.46%
- Shadow Word Death2.23%
- Soulseeker Arrow2.23%
- Shadow Weaving1.69%
- Mind Spike1.62%
- Shadow Word Death Self Damage1.44%
- Mind Flay1.07%
Time Spent
The average number of times each ability was cast during sims.
- Mind Blast37.01%
- Devouring Plague29.93%
- Shadow Word Death7.85%
- Mind Spike6.05%
- Shadow Crash4.89%
- Mindgames4.49%
- Mindbender3.32%
- Dark Ascension3.27%
- Halo3.02%
- Mind Flay0.18%
- Vampiric Touch0%
The average time buffs were active during the duration of the sims.
- Static Empowerment100%
- Coalescing Shadows Dot98.16%
- Dark Evangelism97.14%
- Dark Reveries93.8%
- Mental Fortitude93.23%
- Coalescing Shadows63.96%
- Surge of Darkness53.9%
- Gathering Shadows48.09%
- Mind Flay Insanity43.79%
- Ancient Madness35.14%
- Dark Ascension35.14%
- Twist of Fate34.8%
- Valarjars Path27.9%
- Sophic Devotion23.35%
- Power Infusion18.98%
- Elemental Lariat Empowered Air18.09%
- Elemental Lariat Empowered Earth18.05%
- Bloodlust16.91%
- Death and Madness Reset15.57%
- Blood Fury14.57%
- Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power12.68%
- Devoured Pride10.31%
- Shadowy Insight7.71%
- Mind Devourer4.4%
- Desperate Prayer0.77%
- Death and Madness Insanity Gain%
This is the gear profile used in this simulation. Item enhancements are all maxed out for the simulation, however some may not be displayed properly below.
- Head Draconic Hierophants Archcowl
- Neck Elemental Lariat
- Shoulders Draconic Hierophants Wisdom
- Back Fireproof Drape
- Chest Draconic Hierophants Vestment
- Wrists Vibrant Wildercloth Wristwraps
- Hands Draconic Hierophants Grips
- Waist Sky Saddle Cord
- Legs Leggings of Swirling Runes
- Feet Sandals of the Wild Sovereign
- Finger 1 Seal of Filial Duty
- Finger 2 Woebearers Band
- Trinket 1 Horn of Valor
- Trinket 2 Furious Ragefeather
- Main Hand Final Grade
- DPS48,567.65 DPS
- Sim Build47067
DPS Timeline
Scale factors were ran in this simulation, below is the resulting stat priority and stat weights.
Scale factors were not calculated in this sim.