Affliction Warlock
WoW Class Guide • WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 • Noxxic Legacy
DPS Rotation & Cooldowns
Note: This page is not yet updated for the latest patch of 10.0.2 in WoW Dragonflight.
Single Target Rotation
- Maintain Agony, Corruption & Unstable Affliction
- (if talented) Maintain Siphon Life
- (if talented) Maintain Shadow Embrace
- (if talented) Haunt (On CD)
- (if talented) Vile Taint (On CD)
- (if talented) Phantom Singularity (On CD)
- Malefic Rapture (If at Soul Shards cap)
- Drain Soul (or Shadow Bolt if don't have that talent)
AoE Rotation
- Maintain Agony, Corruption & Unstable Affliction (See Note 2 Below)
- Seed of Corruption (if >5 stacked targets)
- (if talented) Maintain Siphon Life
- (if talented) Vile Taint (On CD)
- (if talented) Phantom Singularity (On CD
- Summon Darkglare
- Malefic Rapture
- Drain Soul (or Shadow Bolt if don't have that talent)
Note 2: You can use Seed of Corruption to apply & maintain Corruption when there are 3 or more targets stacked together.