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WoW Class Guide • WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 • Noxxic Legacy

DPS Rotation & Cooldowns

Note: This page is not yet updated for the latest patch of 10.0.2 in WoW Dragonflight.

Single Target Rotation

  1. Maintain Agony, Corruption & Unstable Affliction
  2. (if talented) Maintain Siphon Life
  3. (if talented) Maintain Shadow Embrace
  4. (if talented) Haunt (On CD)
  5. (if talented) Vile Taint (On CD)
  6. (if talented) Phantom Singularity (On CD)
  7. Malefic Rapture (If at Soul Shards cap)
  8. Drain Soul (or Shadow Bolt if don't have that talent)

AoE Rotation

  1. Maintain Agony, Corruption & Unstable Affliction (See Note 2 Below)
  2. Seed of Corruption (if >5 stacked targets)
  3. (if talented) Maintain Siphon Life
  4. (if talented) Vile Taint (On CD)
  5. (if talented) Phantom Singularity (On CD
  6. Summon Darkglare
  7. Malefic Rapture
  8. Drain Soul (or Shadow Bolt if don't have that talent)

Note 2: You can use Seed of Corruption to apply & maintain Corruption when there are 3 or more targets stacked together.

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