
hunter iconBeast Mastery Hunter

WoW Class Guide • WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 • Noxxic Legacy

DPS Rotation & Cooldowns

Note: This page is not yet updated for the latest patch of 10.0.2 in WoW Dragonflight.

Single Target DPS Rotation

When fighting one target, use the following priority list:

  1. Barbed Shot (If meets the criteria in Note 1)
  2. Aspect of the Wild (See Note 2)
  3. Bestial Wrath
  4. Kill Shot (If target below 20% health)
  5. Kill Command
  6. Barrage (if selected)
  7. Cobra Shot (See Note 3)

Note 1: Barbed Shot as your top priority if it has two full charges or your pet has >= 1 stack of Frenzy and it needs to be refreshed or will soon expire (has ~2 seconds left,)

Note 2: Use Aspect of the Wild as often as possible, however it is powerful when paired with Bestial Wrath, and is worth delaying it if Bestial Wrath will be available in the next 20 seconds.

Note 3: It's best to restrict Cobra Shot usage to the following criteria: when you're close to Focus cap, or if Kill Command still has > 2 seconds left of it's cooldown.

AoE DPS Rotation

When fighting multiple targets, use the following priority list:

  1. Barbed Shot (If meets the criteria in Note 1 above)
  2. Multi-shot (if Beast Cleave is not active)
  3. Aspect of the Wild (See Note 2 above)
  4. Bestial Wrath
  5. Kill Shot (If target below 20% health)
  6. Kill Command
  7. Multi-shot
  8. Barbed Shot (If about to have two charges)
  9. Cobra Shot (See Note 4)

Note 4: It's best to restrict Cobra Shot usage to the following criteria: when you're close to Focus cap, or if Beast Cleave is active.

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