
druid iconFeral Druid

WoW Class Guide • WoW Dragonflight Patch 10.0.2 • Noxxic Legacy

Stat Priority

Below are the recommended gems & enchants based on the Stat Priority Guide. As mentioned there, the recommended Stat Priority (which determines these recomendations) are generalized to be well-suited for most players. However, simulating your own character will always give the most accurate stat weights.

Stat Priority

Agility > Versatility > Critical Strike > Mastery > Haste

Stat Summaries

  • Agility increases your attack power and the damage dealt by your abilities.
  • Versatility increases your damage, healing, and absorption done and decreases damage received.
  • Critical Strike increase the chance for your spells and attacks to critically hit for additional damage and healing.
  • Mastery provides a passive bonus to your character based on your specialization. Mastery Razor Claws increases the damage of Bleed effects including Rake, Rip, and Thrash Feral.
  • Haste increases attack and spell casting speed, adds additional damage and healing to DoTs and HoTs, and reduces the GCD. As Feral, Haste increases the speed of your Energy regeneration.

Stat Weights

  • Weapon DPS 46.11
  • Agility 8.04
  • Attack Power 7.65
  • Versatility 3.93
  • Critical Strike 3.77
  • Mastery 3.61
  • Haste 3.34

PAWN String (AddOn)

( Pawn: v1: "noxxic-legacy-druid-feral": Class=Druid, Spec=Feral, MasteryRating=3.61, Weapon dps=46.11, Versatility=3.93, CritRating=3.77, Attack power=7.65, Agility=8.04, HasteRating=3.34 )

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