
death-knight iconFrost Death Knight

WoW Class Guide • WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 • Noxxic Legacy

DPS Rotation & Cooldowns

Note: This page is not yet updated for the latest patch of 10.0.2 in WoW Dragonflight.

Single Target DPS Rotation

When fighting one target, use the following priority list:

  1. Frost Strike (if talented Icy Talons and Icy Talons is about to expire.)
  2. Howling Blast (When Rime procs)
  3. Obliterate (If >= 2 Runes and talented Frozen Pulse)
  4. Frost Strike (If > 70 Runic Power)
  5. Frostscythe (If talented and Killing Machine is up)
  6. Obliterate
  7. Frost Strike

AoE Rotation

When fighting multiple targets, use the following priority list:

  1. Glacial Advance (If have talent, and talented Icy Talons and Icy Talons is about to expire.)
  2. Frost Strike (If don't have talent Glacial Advance)
  3. Remorseless Winter (If talented Gathering Storm)
  4. Howling Blast (When Rime procs)
  5. Frostscythe (If talented and have Killing Machine proc)
  6. Remorseless Winter (When available)
  7. Death and Decay
  8. Obliterate
  9. Glacial Advance (If talented)
  10. Frost Strike

Important Cooldowns

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