Havoc Demon Hunter
WoW Class Guide • WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 • Noxxic Legacy
DPS Rotation & Cooldowns
Note: This page is not yet updated for the latest patch of 10.0.2 in WoW Dragonflight.
Single Target DPS Rotation
When fighting one target, use the following DPS rotation:
- Metamorphosis [on CD]
- Fel Rush (Ensure you end in melee range)
- Death Sweep
- Eye Beam
- Blade Dance
- Immolation Aura
- Annihilation
- Chaos Strike
- Demons Bite
AoE DPS Rotation
When fighting multiple targets, resume the Single Target DPS Rotation except move Eye Beam to the top of the priority list, hitting as many targets possible.