Marksmanship Hunter
WoW Class Guide • WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 • Noxxic Legacy
DPS Rotation & Cooldowns
Note: This page is not yet updated for the latest patch of 10.0.2 in WoW Dragonflight.
Single Target DPS Rotation
- Kill Shot (If target <20% health)
- Rapid Fire (On CD)
- Arcane Shot or Chimaera Shot (If Precise Shots active.)
- Aimed Shot
- Arcane Shot or Chimaera Shot (To avoid focus cap)
- Steady Shot
AoE DPS Rotation
Use the following rotation (and talents) in AoE heavy encounters.
- Explosive Shot (On CD)
- Volley (On CD)
- Multi-shot
- Aimed Shot (or Rapid Fire) with Trick Shots active.
- Steady Shot