Outlaw Rogue
WoW Class Guide • WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 • Noxxic Legacy
DPS Rotation & Cooldowns
As a rogue, you'll be building and spending combo points, utilizing cooldowns when available, and as Assassination specialized you'll be influenced by the current buff from Roll the Bones, which should always be kept active.
Building Combo Points
- Ambush (if stealthed)
- Pistol Shot (with Opportunity procs)
- Sinister Strike
Spending Combo Points
Be sure to spend combo points at the maximum number -- but avoid going over the cap. Spend points before the cap if you would end up over the cap due to Quick Draw or Broadside.
- Slice and Dice (Keep active)
- Between the Eyes (On CD)
- Dispatch
Adrenaline Rush Use on CD.
Roll the Bones Maintain this buff.
Blade Flurry Use when fighting multiple targets.
Marked for Death If talented, use when <= 1 Combo Point or if the target is almost dead.
Ghostly Strike If talented, use on CD.
Killing Spree If talented, use on CD.
Blade Rush If talented, use on CD.
Vanish Use as needed for utility, or use on CD,following by Ambush for additional DPS.