Survival Hunter
WoW Class Guide • WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 • Noxxic Legacy
DPS Rotation & Cooldowns
Note: This page is not yet updated for the latest patch of 10.0.2 in WoW Dragonflight.
Single Target DPS Rotation
When fighting one target, use the following priority list:
- Hunters Mark
- Coordinated Assault (On CD)
- Kill Shot (When target <20% health)
- Serpent Sting (Keep up)
- Wildfire Bomb (On CD)
- Raptor Strike (When >10 focus)
- Kill Command (See Note 1)
Note 1: If you're getting a lot of resets, put more emphasis on spending focus with Raptor Strike.
AoE DPS Rotation
When fighting multiple targets, resume the Single Target DPS Rotation, with the following tweaks:
- Carve on cooldown
- Serpent Sting (Apply to multiple targets)
Basically, you'll want to spread out your use of Serpent Sting, and by using Carve you'll increase the rate of Wildfire Bomb.