
death-knight iconUnholy Death Knight

WoW Class Guide • WoW Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5 • Noxxic Legacy

DPS Rotation & Cooldowns

Note: This page is not yet updated for the latest patch of 10.0.2 in WoW Dragonflight.

Single Target DPS Rotation

When fighting one target, use the following priority list:

  1. Virulent Plague (Maintain on target [refresh using Outbreak])
  2. Death Coil (With Sudden Doom procs or when >80 Runic Power)
  3. Clawing Shadows (If talented) or Scourge Strike (When 1 or more Festering Wound)
  4. Festering Strike
  5. Death Coil

AoE DPS Rotation

When fighting multiple targets, use Death and Decay on cooldown and be sure to stay within it's area for the bonus, using Scourge Strike as much as possible.

Important Cooldowns

If talented with Unholy Blight, use that to apply Virulent Plague.

  1. Virulent Plague (Maintain on target [refresh using Outbreak])
  2. Epidemic (With Sudden Doom procs or when >80 Runic Power)
  3. Defile (if talented) or [@Death and Decay)
  4. Clawing Shadows (If talented) or Scourge Strike (Either if standing in Death and Decay or Defile)
  5. Epidemic
  6. Clawing Shadows (If talented) or Scourge Strike (Either when 1 or more Festering Wound)
  7. Festering Strike
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